Wednesday, September 26, 2018

HOW IT WORKS: Make Money with Twitch

Aside from joining, you will want to have a number of other strategies in place in order to make money online using Here are a few that have been proven to work.

Schedule Time to Stream is a website designed for streaming live video games. Therefore, if you want to make money using Twitch you are going to have to dedicate a portion of your day, every day, to streaming.

When people log on to watch live Twitch streams, they are looking for an experience.  They want a stream that they can log onto, get involved in, and see through to the end.

According to experienced Twitch streamers all across the internet, the minimum time you should be streaming per day in order to grow an audience is 3 hours. Users who stream for less than this suggested minimum do not grow as many followers or earn nearly as much money from their twitch account as their more ambitious and regimented competitors.

Consider Streaming on Multiple Channels

Although you are already growing the number of followers you have on by signing up with it never hurts to add a few more followers to the mix.

One of the best ways to do so is by increasing your viewers by streaming on multiple channels.

There are features and plugins for that allow you to broadcast your stream on other channels such as YouTube from Twitch.

When you do so, you can encourage the followers of those channels to go and follow you on Twitch.  This creates the opportunity for you to monetize all of your followers instead of only monetizing one channel.

Add Ad Streaming To Your Account

Just like ads placed on a personal website or on Google, ads placed on Twitch accounts have the ability to make money for the host.

And, much like ads placed on websites the more your followers increase, the more money you make from an ad.

Although the addition of ads on your Twitch account won’t make you a millionaire overnight, they do make sense.

If you are already focused on growing your followers and creating money, why not add this super simplistic stream of income? After all, making more money never hurt anyone!

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