Saturday, September 29, 2018

Twitch Viewer Bot

READ Before Twitch Shuts You Down

If you have been looking to grow your Twitch account in the last few months, chances are you have come across ads for purchasing Twitch Viewer Bots.  The ads are flashy and promise you the ultimate list of Twitch followers, an increased rate of Twitch viewers, and ultimately more money than you could have ever imagined through streaming video games.  When you see these ads, they seem too good to be true—because they are.

Although purchasing Twitch Viewer Bots seems like it might put you on the fast track to Twitch fame, it is ultimately full of consequences that could lead to your Twitch demise.  If you purchase Twitch Viewer Bots and Twitch finds out you could be suspended from your account, or worse, shut down.

What is a Twitch Viewer Bot?

A Twitch bot is an extremely popular method for gaining Twitch followers and viewers to your Twitch feed.  Twitch bots were invented because of the extreme time commitment it takes to acquire Twitch viewers organically.  If you are looking to gain viewers organically you will need to engage in conversation with your current viewers, create a community of people to support each other, and dedicate 5+ hours of your day to streaming your feed.  With Twitch View bots, you don’t have to do any of that.

Designed to be like regular followers and viewers, Twitch Bots engage in conversation, plant comments, and interact with other users on Twitch without you having to pay attention to every detail of the conversation or even having to engage yourself.  You choose the specific manner and language your bot interacts in. However, because the language is very methodical and almost impersonal, Twitch bots can be easily recognized by other viewers and followers of your feed.

There are two types of bots that are popular among Twitch enthusiasts.  There are Twitch Follower Bots that are deployed to drastically increase the number of followers on your channel. The other type of bot is a viewer bot.  Viewer bots are placed on your channel and dedicated to consistently viewing your feed and initiating interaction. Both types of Twitch bots can impact your feed and make it appear very successful.  However, both of them are frowned upon by dedicated Twitch users and Twitch itself.

What is wrong with using a Twitch Viewer Bot?

Sure, when you look at it from the surface, Twitch Viewer Bots appear to be innocent enough.  However, when you dive deep into the logistics of Twitch and Twitch users you will find they create a corrupt and unfair advantage that creates turmoil within the community.  Twitch Viewer Bots are not real people. In fact, they aren’t people or even robots at all. Twitch View Bots are simply a method for inflating the viewer number and viewer interaction to make it appear as though a specific account is very popular.  

When you purchase a view bot to view your channel you are creating a false impression to other users.  It’s kind of like committing fraud. Other users see that you have a large number of followers, perceive your stream to be popular and of high quality, and therefore follow you.  However, if you are using view bots to simulate your popularity you have just mislead a real viewer. And, when a viewer feels mislead they are likely to stop following your page because it appears untrustworthy. Furthermore, bots have the tendency to continually attempt to engage in artificial conversation with other users which can be viewed as harassment.  Again, not a wise choice for someone looking to gain Twitch followers/viewers.

What are the consequences of using a Twitch Viewer Bot?

On Twitch officially outlines that anyone caught using bots of any variety faces the potential of their Twitch account being suspended or shut down.  The site also outlines that they deploy a variety of forces to combat bots and enforce consequences to those who are caught using them. However, it is stated that each bot case is reviewed on a case-by-case basis and that there is no definite protocol for the decision of consequences.  And, although that might sound like an invitation to try to sneak by the Twitch police, it is more of a warning that the consequences you receive could be worse than you imagined.

The bottom line is, if you are interested in using bots as a Twitch follower acquisition method, you may want to think twice before dumping all of your resources into it.  Although Twitch bots seem glamorous, they often mean bad news for the user and end up doing more harm than good.

If I can’t use Twitch Bots, what can I use to gain Twitch followers?

Truly, there are reliable and legitimate ways to gain Twitch followers without using Twitch bots.  And, although the methods might seem cumbersome, with the correct discipline they can prove to be very successful.  If you are looking to gain Twitch followers without the use of Twitch Bots, you should consider acquiring them organically or purchasing them online.

Finding Free Twitch Followers

If you are looking to grow your Twitch community and gain Twitch followers without the use of Twitch Bots, one of the best ways to do so is by cultivating organic followers.  One of the best methods for acquiring organic followers is through the creation of an online Twitch community. Those who have found success by growing an online Twitch community have done so by:

  • Finding other Twitch streamers to follow.
  • Recommending other Twitch streamers feeds.
  • Engaging regularly with their current Twitch followers.
  • Finding a Twitch niche.
  • Creating a dedicated Twitch streaming schedule.

Each of these different methods for creating a Twitch community has its own list of best practices.  For example, when you are creating a dedicated Twitch streaming schedule you should set aside 3 hours per day, at a minimum, to focus on streaming.   And, if you want to grow your followers by engaging with current followers on a regular basis, you want to be sure and develop a positive, well-constructed conversation.

Unfortunately, finding organic Twitch followers for free can be very time-consuming.  It not only takes the time you set aside for streaming on Twitch but also the time you need to dedicate to your community and organizing your efforts.  Furthermore, if you are like most Twitch users trying to grow an income it is likely that you have a full-time job and even a family life that does not allow you to dedicate that amount of time to growing your Twitch account.  That’s where finding paid viewers comes in.

Purchasing Viewers Online

Instead of spending all of your time creating a schedule that will allow you to grow your followers on Twitch, you can simply purchase Twitch followers online. Twitch followers are available on a variety of sites for a variety of prices.  And, the best part about it, purchasing Twitch followers is not against Twitch rules as long as the followers you are purchasing are real people.

Trusted Twitch follower sites recruit and pay real people to follow and view your account on a regular basis.  Once you purchase a viewer there are set parameters they have to follow. Most purchased Twitch followers are required to view a specific Twitch account for a certain amount of time per day and follow the account for a set amount of time. If any of the purchased Twitch followers unfollow their required account inside of the guaranteed timeframe, it is likely the company you purchased them from will either reimburse you or provide you with a new follower to take their place.

What is the best place to buy Twitch followers?

One of the best sites to use if you are looking to buy Twitch followers is  This diverse site allows you to sponsor players to view your stream.  The way it works is that you sign up for the site and submit a small fee that will cover the cost of paying for users to log-in and follow/view your Twitch account.  Sponsored users are paid by the amount of time they watch a channel and which channels they are watching.

Many users looking for new followers like to use because they know it is a legitimate site that pays legitimate people to follow them.  Some of the benefits users of have experienced include an increased number of engaged viewers, more organic follows and the quick growth of their channel.

When you buy Twitch followers, as mentioned above, it is likely that you will get more Twitch followers than you paid for from the site.  That is because when an account appears to be popular, it is more attractive to users who are looking for pages to follow. And, attractive pages get new followers first.  

The Bottom Line: Don’t Use Twitch Viewer Bots, Purchase Your Twitch Viewers on

If you truly are trying to grow your Twitch account into an opportunity that can earn you an income you should be very diligent about avoiding Twitch Viewer Bots.  These automated robots are not worth the risk they bring to you and your Twitch career. Furthermore, they are only a temporary fix to what requires a long-term solution.  When you focus on creating a Twitch following and viewer base that is actually invested in your work and your talents, it is highly likely you will experience larger and much more prolonged success on the site.  

So, stop grasping at methods that don’t work and visit today.  From there you will be able to boost your Twitch career with a one-time purchase of a follower group, or you will be able to exponentially grow your Twitch career by creating a method of purchasing followers and converting them to loyal viewers that will benefit you for a lifetime.  No matter which method you choose, we are certain you will experience success when you partner with

The post Twitch Viewer Bot appeared first on TwitchFollowers.

from TwitchFollowers

How To Get Twitch Viewers

If you want to make money on Twitch, chances are it’s not going to happen overnight.  Because in order to make money on Twitch you have to grow the numbers of viewers you have on your channel.  Viewers on Twitch translates to the number of users watching your channel at any given time during your feed.  Although viewers might seem synonymous with followers, they are not. In fact, a stream can have thousands upon thousands of Twitch followers yet only attract between 30-50 viewers per stream.  Unfortunately, those kinds of numbers are not going to get you anywhere fast with Twitch, and they definitely won’t be making you any money.

As we stated before, if you want to make money on your Twitch account, you need viewers. In order to get viewers, you are going to need to make a serious, personal investment in the growth of your Twitch account.  Time, energy, and possibly even money will need to be spent. If you are serious about growing the number of viewers on your Twitch account, here is a rundown of the pros and cons of the most popular methods.

Buying Twitch Bots

It’s true that growing the number of viewers on your Twitch account might take a small monetary investment.  However, there is a wide misconception that one can simply buy their way to the top of the Twitch foodchain. That is not at all true.  

Users who are attempting to buy their way into Twitch success are likely purchasing Twitch Viewer Bots.  Twitch Viewer bots are a purchased, automated system that sends a large number of live “viewers” to a specific Twitch channel.  Unlike real viewers, Twitch View bots cannot carry on intelligent conversations, interact with multiple Twitch users, or even unfollow a Twitch user on their own. And, although accruing a large number of “viewers” in an instant sounds appealing, it is highly frowned upon and even reprimanded within the Twitch Community.

According to the official Twitch website, anyone who is caught using a Twitch View Bot to grow their followers or their viewer is subject to penalty by Twitch.  Consequences for the like include a suspension on your Twitch account, and even losing your account entirely. If you are attempting to make money using Twitch, this is the last thing you want to happen.

To legitimately grow your Twitch account, you will want to spend your time, energy, and money on more respected methods of gaining viewers.  Some of the most successful accounts on Twitch have gained viewers by acquiring them organically (for free), as well as purchasing real viewers through online websites.

Gaining Organic Viewers for Free

The most legitimate method for gaining Twitch viewers is to acquire them organically through the interaction, streaming, and viewing tactics you are using.  Some of the best methods for gaining organic viewers for free is by engaging in conversations with the people who are already viewing your page, viewing other people’s streams on a consistent basis, and developing a community of Twitch users.

To grow a community on Twitch in order to increase the number of Twitch viewers one has on their channel, there has to be a concentrated effort made.  Some of the best tactics for creating are as follows.

  • Concentrating on presentation style.

Users on Twitch regularly view channels they find appealing.  And, an attractive, easy to follow, and constant stream of live feed is very attractive.  To create an attractive stream one might need to invest in a better internet connection, improved gaming equipment, and keep up with current Twitch trends to make sure they are not falling behind the times.

  • Recommend other user’s feeds.

Part of being in a reliable and beneficial community is helping other Twitch users.  Those who are most successful at gaining viewers through Twitch communities create partnerships with other Twitch users to recommend one another’s feeds.  The more Twitch alliances that are created, the more regular viewers one is likely to have.

  • Find a niche.

The most successful Twitch users with the largest accounts specialize in a specific game or specific style of gaming.  Generally speaking, the users who play every new game to hit the market do not typically gain a large number of regular viewers, because they never perfect their skills in one style of game and therefore, are not as entertaining to watch.  However, those who have chosen a specific niche are able to refine their skills and become very entertaining to watch.

  • Create a reliable schedule.

To form a community that will earn Twitch viewers, Twitch users must create a reliable schedule for their followers. Many Twitch viewers create their entire daily schedule around their favorite streamers’ feeds.  Therefore, if a streamer wants to get in their schedule, they better broadcast what time of day they are going to stream. Hopping online at random times of day (or night) will not be successful.

  • Give viewers value.

Many regular Twitch viewers aspire to be successful Twitch streamers.  They take notes on everything their favorite streamers do in order to, hopefully, imitate them and their success in the future.  A successful Twitch streamer can grow their viewer base by giving them inside information and or tips on how they too can become successful. Some of the best methods for doing so are showcasing different skills, creating a conversation about successful streaming, and even hosting webinars or classes via a personal Twitch channel.  By giving viewers value, Twitch streamers are communicating they care—and that always keeps them coming back for more.

If a person does not have the time or resources to dedicated to growing a reliable community, that is understandable. Most people who are trying to grow a large viewer base on Twitch also have full-time jobs and/or families. Therefore, they do not have enough time in a day to commit 5+ hours to streaming their feed, additional hours to communicating, and even more time to growing a reliable community.  

However, for those who are interested in legitimately growing the number of Twitch viewers they have, but don’t have the freedom to spend their entire day on Twitch, purchasing Twitch followers can be a good idea. And, that’s where comes in.  A reliable website for gaining Twitch followers and ultimately, dedicated Twitch viewers, allows users to purchase followers that are real people.  

Purchasing Twitch Viewers

It needs to be made clear that purchasing Twitch viewers is not against Twitch guidelines.  Twitch will only interfere with an account when Twitch viewers are purchased and subsequently gained through a Twitch View Bot.

Most methods of purchasing Twitch viewers involves a third-party website that pays individuals to watch a Twitch user’s feed.  Purchased Twitch followers are assigned to a Twitch user and typically given a designated amount of time per day that they are required to view their assigned user’s account.  Furthermore, paid Twitch viewers are also given a set length of time (days, weeks, months) they must follow an account actively before they can disengage.

Online there are a plethora of sites that offer the opportunity to purchase Twitch viewers.  The diverse group of sites offers various price points for their viewers and also various rules and regulations for you and the paid viewer as well.  And, although many of the sites are legitimate, the best found site for purchasing Twitch viewers is

On you can create a profile as a Twitch streamer. The site operates through the purchase of credits to gain viewers.  When you create your profile as a Twitch streamer, you will automatically gain 5,000 bonus points that can be used to gain new Twitch followers. Once the first set of Twitch followers has been purchased, the Twitch user who purchased them can expect the number of Twitch viewers they have to grow as well.  Not only will the paid Twitch followers begin to view the account on a regular basis, but the increased number of viewers will signal to other Twitch users that the account is worth watching. Therefore, the number of viewers will grow far beyond the number of viewers purchased.

In order to keep growing the account a Twitch user has the option to keep purchasing additional credits on  Regularly purchased credits correlate to an audience that is regularly growing. As a result, those who purchase Twitch followers regularly on have to potential to experience a more immediate and dramatic increase in income earned through Twitch than those who do not. However, if one is not interested in purchasing Twitch followers regularly, they can also grow the number of Twitch viewers they have by engaging with their purchased Twitch followers.

Engaging with purchased Twitch followers will assist in creating a positive Twitch community on the user’s account.  And, when other viewers (not purchased) experience a positive Twitch community they are more likely to remain a viewer of the account and recommend the account to their friends.  

Each of these methods can help a Twitch user to acquire new Twitch viewers. However, it is easy to see that some of the methods are better and more reliable than others.  Of each of these methods, the most recommended are gaining Twitch viewers for free and purchasing Twitch viewers online.

To purchase Twitch viewers online the best site to use is Whether you have just started your Twitch account or are a veteran streamer looking to grow your popularity and your income, we recommend you head over to today! Purchase your first set of Twitch followers and immediately watch your Twitch viewers grow.  You will be happy with the results you see and the success that follows.

The post How To Get Twitch Viewers appeared first on TwitchFollowers.

from TwitchFollowers

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

HOW IT WORKS: Make Money with Twitch

Aside from joining, you will want to have a number of other strategies in place in order to make money online using Here are a few that have been proven to work.

Schedule Time to Stream is a website designed for streaming live video games. Therefore, if you want to make money using Twitch you are going to have to dedicate a portion of your day, every day, to streaming.

When people log on to watch live Twitch streams, they are looking for an experience.  They want a stream that they can log onto, get involved in, and see through to the end.

According to experienced Twitch streamers all across the internet, the minimum time you should be streaming per day in order to grow an audience is 3 hours. Users who stream for less than this suggested minimum do not grow as many followers or earn nearly as much money from their twitch account as their more ambitious and regimented competitors.

Consider Streaming on Multiple Channels

Although you are already growing the number of followers you have on by signing up with it never hurts to add a few more followers to the mix.

One of the best ways to do so is by increasing your viewers by streaming on multiple channels.

There are features and plugins for that allow you to broadcast your stream on other channels such as YouTube from Twitch.

When you do so, you can encourage the followers of those channels to go and follow you on Twitch.  This creates the opportunity for you to monetize all of your followers instead of only monetizing one channel.

Add Ad Streaming To Your Account

Just like ads placed on a personal website or on Google, ads placed on Twitch accounts have the ability to make money for the host.

And, much like ads placed on websites the more your followers increase, the more money you make from an ad.

Although the addition of ads on your Twitch account won’t make you a millionaire overnight, they do make sense.

If you are already focused on growing your followers and creating money, why not add this super simplistic stream of income? After all, making more money never hurt anyone!